“Drawing is the honesty of art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.” – Salvador Dalí
You either have it or you don't

Let's face it, either you have the talent for drawing or you don't. Thank goodness, I have it. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and I've never stopped. I love drawing everything I see, everything I imagine, and, of course, anything you want me to envision.
Below, you'll find a series of digital – and also "traditional" – illustrations created over the years. I suggest taking a few seconds to read the descriptions.
Methaphysics Series
Douglas Adams, in his "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," designated 42 as the ultimate answer to the fundamental question "about life, the universe, and everything." It was one of the most profound answers I had ever heard. That 42 triggered something within me, and a voice told me that "anything is possible," liberating me forever from the physical laws and granting me the power to decontextualize anything that came to mind, wherever I deemed it necessary. Thus, the Metaphysics series was born. It was 2013
I create these drawings with the sole purpose of keeping my hand skillful or for my own amusement. They are mostly tributes to famous characters, whether real or imaginary.
Some storyboards created for advertising spots or music videos. If you want to see them in their entirety, visit this page: storyboard.
Traditional illustrations and paintings
One doesn't delve into digital art without mastering traditional techniques, the "materialistic" ones, on paper, on canvas... Here are some illustrations and paintings that I indulge in from time to time, just to make a mess around the house.